ウルバンバジアリドリ Rufous Antpitta Grallaria occabambae (Chapman, 1923)
ジアリドリ科 Grallariidae
Range: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.

(1)亜種 Grallaria occabambae marcapatensis Isler & Chesser, 2020
Range :east slope of the Andes of southern Peru (eastern Cusco, east of the Yanatili River Valley and between the Tambo River to the north and the Marcapata River to the south).




copyright (c) 2019/12/18
2022/01/16改定 Clements2021改定による:亜種昇格により名称も変更(旧アカジアリドリ、Rufous Antpitta, Grallaria rufula) inserted by FC2 system