ホオジロマユミソサザイ Buff-breasted Wren Cantorchilus leucotis Lafresnaye, 1845
ミソサザイ科 Troglodytidae
Range: Amazon Basin of northern Brazil and Amazonian Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and northern-border Bolivia; also the Guianan countries Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana. It occurs in non-Amazonian regions of Venezuela and Colombia and its range extends into eastern Panama.

(1)亜種 Cantorchilus leucotis peruanus (Hellmayr, 1921)
Range: SE Colombia to e Ecuador, e Peru, n Bolivia and w Amaz. Brazil.

〇2019年09月22日、ペルーのプエルト・マルドナド(Puerto Mardonado)で観察。


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